Streaming Theatre

Patricia MiltonBlog, Plays, Video

The Original Theatre Company and The Anthology Group in association with Peter Stickney and York Theatre Royal have made available two plays through June 2, 2020, online.

In THE HABIT OF ART, Benjamin Britten, sailing uncomfortably close to the wind with his new opera, Death in Venice, seeks advice from his former collaborator and friend, W H Auden. During this imagined meeting, their first for twenty-five years, they are observed and interrupted by, amongst others, their future biographer and a young man from the local bus station.

THE CROFT, by Ali Milles, is a haunted house story that has a strange resonance with current, real-world horrors. It takes place on a contemporary Scottish Highland outpost whose 19th-century community of crofters was wiped out by tubercular contagion.

According to the theatre’s website: “You are welcome to share and watch the productions as group or couple. But if you are going to share the online version with your family or a group in your household please do consider the suggested prices below as per person. Remember all tickets offer the same brilliant view. We also operate a pay what you can afford policy.”

To watch the plays, visit The Original Theatre Online.