Rewiring The Subconscious

Patricia MiltonBlog, Plays

I find information about the subconscious and creativity enormously interesting. I have learned that giving requests to my subconscious before bed, then meditating on them and writing them down in the morning, is a way to rewire the brain for creativity.

“Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.”  — Thomas Edison

I take a few moments before going to bed to meditate on and write down the things I’m trying to accomplish, and the ideas I still need to finish what I’m writing. In the morning, I journal, and ideas are presented to me.

I write down my random ideas, always, when walking. If I can’t write a lot one day, I make sure to jot down notes for just a few minutes. It alerts my subconscious: “Oh! She’s writing! I should send her some ideas.”

I stress out my system and send my brain into a beta state by jumping straight into my phone after waking up. Instead, this asking and answering process allows for an alpha state of creativity and flow.