Playwriting Advice from Alyson Mead

Patricia MiltonBlog

In the 21st Century Voices interview of playwright Alyson Mead, I came across this solid nugget of advice:

“I’m surprised how many students I meet don’t go to theatre performances, or read plays. Go see a lot of stuff. Read a lot of stuff (get plays from the library if you don’t have a lot of money).

And live a lot of life. Be a shameless eavesdropper, to hear the rhythms in people’s speech. Notice what people leave out, as much as what they put into conversation. Mostly, get used to failing. Playwriting has the operative root in its name – play. It should be fun, not drudgery. It should be a space for experimentation, not blind adherence to ‘rules.'”

I know, for me, seeing lots of theatre inspires me and helps me learn what does and (especially) doesn’t work. And I eavesdrop as a way of life!